Hemp Bulletin

What is Microdosing? & How it May Help You

What is Microdosing? & How it May Help You

Dec 7th 2021

What is microdosing? In order to explain how microdosing can help you, first understand what microdosing is so we can all be on the same page. Microdosing is by definition, the act of taking very smal … read more
Buying Delta 8 THC: Locally or Online?

Buying Delta 8 THC: Locally or Online?

Nov 29th 2021

Trying to decide on buying delta 8 thc online vs locally? With everything happening lately, there are pros and cons; lately, the great debate is whether or not online shopping is worth it. Why not buy … read more
Delta 8 Myths & Their Truths

Delta 8 Myths & Their Truths

Nov 19th 2021

With the arrival of Delta 8 came the misconceptions that soon followed. Whether it’s about the legality, how to obtain it, how safe it is (or isn’t), there’s been misinformation spread. Here, are some … read more
Where to Buy Delta 8 Products?

Where to Buy Delta 8 Products?

Oct 5th 2021

Various dispensaries, liquor stores, and even some gas stations may appear when you search for where to buy delta 8 products. Buying Delta 8 inside a dispensary is always great, but not every dispensa … read more